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Search Guide: How to Use “Advokatnøglen”

The website www.advokatnoeglen.dk contains information about all Danish lawyers. If you are searching for a specific lawyer, you can fill in his/her name and/or firm in the corresponding boxes “navn/firma”. If you click on the small map of Denmark, you only search for lawyers in the chosen geographical area. You can also make a geographical search by filling in the postal code, “postnummer”, or by choosing the relevant jurisdiction from the drop down menu, “retskreds”.

To search on the basis of the lawyers' expressed area of interest, choose the legal topic from the drop down menu, “arbejdsområde”. When you select an area of interest a new drop down menu appears, "uddyb evt. arbejdsområde", which allows you to specify the legal topic further. In the box, “fritekst”, you can run a search by typing in your own search terms instead. However, for the moment these categories are available in Danish only.

When clicking on “søg”, search, you will be provided with the names and contact details of lawyers who satisfy the chosen criteria.


Durita Sigmundsdottir Djurhuus



Beskikkelsesår: 2022
Møderet for landsret: Nej
Møderet for højesteret: Nej
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Sp/f Advokatsmápartafelagið Faroe Law

Magnus Heinarsonar Gøta 10
110 Tórshavn

Tlf.: 298669900

www.faroelaw.fo Ansatte advokater: 5 Retskreds:

Advokatnøglen tilbydes af Advokatsamfundet, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 København K www.advokatsamfundet.dk